"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." ~ Albert Einstein
I imagine that many of you started this year with enthusiasm and an idea of what you wanted to accomplish in your business for 2015.
Maybe you want to increase your sales, or if you provide a service, maybe it's helping 100 more people this year. Do you want to be a published author? Maybe you have new products you want to offer. Do you want to open a new location? Whatever your goal is, are you still as enthusiastic and driven as you were at the beginning of the year?
Or, maybe you started the year just hoping to keep up and keep the train on the track! If this is you, you need to step back, take a moment and set a true goal for the year. You don’t want to get to the end of the year, pop your head up and hope you did ok.
If you’re not sure what your goal is for this year, make a note to sit with that thought for a while and just pick something. Don’t agonize over it or over analyze, just pick something that you know you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year.
To grow your business your big goal should be a little uncomfortable. Not unreasonable, but you want to push yourself a bit. Go outside your comfort zone.
Many of us have that little voice in our head that tends to push back when we make big goals or think about growing our business to a larger level. If I said, "We’re going to build your business to 7 figures", how would that feel? We often get that voice saying “Who am I to have that kind of success?” or “That could never happen for me.” But really, why can’t it happen for you... just like anyone else?
That's the biggest deterrent for people meeting their goals or attaining success. They don’t really believe it. They want it…. They desire it…. But they can’t actually, when push comes to shove, see themselves attaining it. So what happens when we don’t believe? We end up sabotaging ourselves and those goals fall by the wayside.. and we may not even realize why that happens.
Sometimes our defeating beliefs come out in poor time management habits like burying yourself in TV or spending hours on social media. Whatever may be standing in your way, we have techniques to help you easily start seeing yourself meet that big goal. You’re going to feel it, believe it , and know in your core being that you are worthy of that goal. Sound good?!?
If you'd like help gaining clarity and a clear path to your life changing goal, contact us here.
Our big goal is helping you!
To your success!
I imagine that many of you started this year with enthusiasm and an idea of what you wanted to accomplish in your business for 2015.
Maybe you want to increase your sales, or if you provide a service, maybe it's helping 100 more people this year. Do you want to be a published author? Maybe you have new products you want to offer. Do you want to open a new location? Whatever your goal is, are you still as enthusiastic and driven as you were at the beginning of the year?
Or, maybe you started the year just hoping to keep up and keep the train on the track! If this is you, you need to step back, take a moment and set a true goal for the year. You don’t want to get to the end of the year, pop your head up and hope you did ok.
If you’re not sure what your goal is for this year, make a note to sit with that thought for a while and just pick something. Don’t agonize over it or over analyze, just pick something that you know you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year.
To grow your business your big goal should be a little uncomfortable. Not unreasonable, but you want to push yourself a bit. Go outside your comfort zone.
Many of us have that little voice in our head that tends to push back when we make big goals or think about growing our business to a larger level. If I said, "We’re going to build your business to 7 figures", how would that feel? We often get that voice saying “Who am I to have that kind of success?” or “That could never happen for me.” But really, why can’t it happen for you... just like anyone else?
That's the biggest deterrent for people meeting their goals or attaining success. They don’t really believe it. They want it…. They desire it…. But they can’t actually, when push comes to shove, see themselves attaining it. So what happens when we don’t believe? We end up sabotaging ourselves and those goals fall by the wayside.. and we may not even realize why that happens.
Sometimes our defeating beliefs come out in poor time management habits like burying yourself in TV or spending hours on social media. Whatever may be standing in your way, we have techniques to help you easily start seeing yourself meet that big goal. You’re going to feel it, believe it , and know in your core being that you are worthy of that goal. Sound good?!?
If you'd like help gaining clarity and a clear path to your life changing goal, contact us here.
Our big goal is helping you!
To your success!